Thursday, December 21, 2006

Error: malformed CVS/Notify file

The Notify file under the CVS directory became malformed.

Here is the contents of the file.

Retesting to make sure that the MasterTOStatusAutoKey still builds properly after deletes.
EF-16TOList.mdb Wed Dec 20 22:05:45 2006 GMT DNIX C:\Sandbox\F16_TOs\Restore EUC HEAD X Ready to create the form for MasterTOStatusAutoKey table.

Here is the whole error message.

In C:\Sandbox\F16_TOs: "C:\Program Files\CVS Suite\TortoiseCVS\cvs.exe" "-x" "update" "-d" "-P"

cvs update: malformed CVS/Notify file
cvs [server aborted]: no such directory `Restore'

Error, CVS operation failed (exit code 1)

The 'E' in front of the file name is necessary.

Is there some way to know what the format should be?

I renamed the Notify file to Notify.Old so that it could not be found and the error goes away. Adding the '.Old' extension seems to be how CVS moves old files out of the way.

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